Where are my project files so I can transfer them to my new computer

If you’re on macOS computer

1. Launch SketchList and from the top menu select SketchList -> About SketchList.

About Sketchlist 3d Software

2. In the About dialog, expand Debug section

How to locate project file - About Section

3. Click Open Data Folder. In this folder you will find SketchList’s database file woodworking.local.db3 with all your projects in it and Textures directory with images for any custom-made material that you may use.

project database with all your sketchlist project

4. Save this file somewhere, and then copy it into the same location on your new Mac. Keep in mind that when you’ll copy it to a new computer, it will replace any existing projects there.

If you’re on Windows PC computer

1. Launch SketchList and open any project.

2. From the main menu, select Help -> About

sketchlist 3d v5 tutorial

3. In the About dialog, expand Debug section.

How to locate project file - About Section 2

4. Click Open Data Folder. In this folder you will find SketchList’s database file woodworking.local.db3 with all your projects in it and Textures directory with images for any custom made material that you may use.

How to locate project file - document folder

5. Save this file somewhere, and then copy it into the same location on your new PC. Keep in mind that when you’ll copy it to a new computer, it will replace any existing projects & materials there.

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